Tuesday, 21 July 2015

MARION GIGLIO REG. DESIGN NO'S. 4010887, 4039137

Letters expected any minute regarding costs awarded, in fact, I will call the IPO tomorrow, just to make sure they are on the ball, which I have to say they quite often aren't......
You really have to take your hat off to Marion, she must have a good head for business, I mean, considering her turn over, which is not huge, and all the costs that being in business entails, such as....

Public Liability Insurance

Accounts Fees
Business Rates
Change of use for 131 Harris Street to business premises
Design Registration expenses, to register and to have invalidated....
Cost of Materials

Packaging Costs
Postage Costs
Production Hours

It all adds up, and being a business, obviously it all has to be declared to HMRC, and they have their slice out of the profits.

Almost makes it all look hardly worth while really, still, maybe I  don't have Marions head for "Business"