Thursday, 31 December 2015


Sunday is the deadline Marion, either pay me the £485.00 you owe me, or, it's going to be a C.C.J. Monday morning. 

I also have conclusive evidence to invalidate more of your registered designs, pay me, and I may consider not sending off the applications I have prepared.....

You may choose to think I am bluffing Marion, but you should know me better than that by now........

Wednesday, 30 December 2015


So, Marion, "The World and his Brother" didn't shop with you over Christmas this year, what are your average sales these days, now that you are not able to cheat at "Bags".

Three bags a day it seems you are averaging now....... 

Hardly seems worth your while really.....

You still owe me £485.00 Marion, time was up with  the IPO yesterday, so I informed them you hadn't and, had no intention of paying me, so expect your name to be published on their "Naughty Step" very soon.... 

Oh  yes, you have until Monday morning to pay me, as advised to you by The County Court, or, I request a judgement, and you know what comes after that Marion, best you pay up really, CCJ's and Balliffs can  be embarrassing....

Saturday, 19 December 2015


It really is starting to look like Marion Giglio has given up.......

Please don't go Marion.......

Life won't be the same without you......

It will be better, but not the same....


Thursday, 17 December 2015


Looking at Marion's stock figures on eBay one of two things are happening.

 1. She is winding down her business, or, 2. and this is much more likely, she is trying to convince browsers to buy now before she runs out.......

A cunning plan if I am right Marion, but hey, clutching at straws again isn't it...... 

A bit like that 2nd eBay account you opened and thought nobody would notice you selling the same things on different accounts, you are sneaky, I will give you that......


If you are shopping on eBay for Cloth Coin/Bank Bags,

 do not be fooled by the claims of Bagsarus123 that their bags are a UK design, Marion Giglio AKA Bagsarus123 cannot substantiate these claims,

 she is blatantly misleading you.

 She did have a registered design that showed they were of UK design, but sadly for her this fraudulent design registration was invalidated Feb 18th 2015. 

For details, click the link below.

Monday, 14 December 2015


I am not the only one trying to make your antics famous Marion Giglio, this link just fell on my doorstep so to speak, as I am sure you know, where you are concerned, lot's of stuff just seems to fall in my lap.

Beechfield Brands vs Marion Giglio

 PDF Opens in new tab.....

Click Here

Soon to come.....
Complete history of Marion Giglio, 

her designs, her antics, her fraudulent claims....
There will be a website dedicated to Marion launching in the very near future, 

and, a Social Media campaign....

All information included will be information that is already

 in the public domain, from either official sources, or details that Marion  herself has placed in the public domain.

For example, Marion seems not to like it when her address and phone number are made public, even though she freely advertises both on her eBay listings....

For anyone interested that would be :- 

131 Harris Street, 

St. Helens, 


 WA10 2NR 


Tel. 01744 609793


Above information supplied online by Marion Giglio


Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Remember Marion, tomorrow is the deadline.....

Payment before close of business please, as detailed in the Letter of action you received 22.10.15

Too late to pay by cheque now Marion, as it won't clear in time, so Paypal please.