Monday, 9 July 2018


Well, it seems business is picking up, what is it now, 8 bags sold since the beginning of March.

I think it's time I had a look at the 4 remaining registered designs you still have Marion.....

Monday, 28 May 2018


Karma seems not to be on your side Marion,

 10 weeks, and not a bag sold..........

Thursday, 22 February 2018

MARION GIGLIO Design No. 4012142 and 4006796 Invalidated

Full payment received, thank you Marion.

Until next time.


MARION GIGLIO Design No. 4006796

Here you go Pepe, below is a screen shot from the IPO website taken today after we spoke, as you can see, IP Labs are still clearly stated as the Agent for this design.

MARION GIGLIO Design No. 4012142 and 4006796 Invalidated

£198.00 + £248.00 = £446.00

 Fast payment would be appreciated Marion,

 if not more costs will be incurred by you.


Friday, 19 January 2018

MARION GIGLIO Design No. 4006796

1 Week Later

No communication, and no payment....

 So, it's down the legal route, AGAIN !!!!

Thursday, 11 January 2018

MARION GIGLIO Design No. 4006796

Today I spoke with Marions' husband, Pepe, he seems to be of the opinion that I have a personal vendetta against his wife, WRONG, it's business...... 

Marion interfered with mine, and many other business's with her registered designs, which in my opinion are ALL fraudulent...

Here it is laid out nice and plain for you Marion, as long as you have registered designs on the IPO website I will be looking for evidence to get them invalidated.

It is your responsibility to either defend your designs or remove them, totally your choice, but while they are still active expect more from me......

One more thing, you owe me £248.00, will I need to take out a CCJ and send the High Court Officers round to collect again ?
As you know, that will cost you(not me), another £105.00, I will leave that with you for the time being Marion, hopefully you will see some sense and save a few quid.